Cured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 6) - Page 65

“Why is that?”

Emily stopped and Sid did the same. “Because I’m tired of hiding my interests and who I am. If being myself and studying dragon-shifter biology lands me in jail, so be it. If I don’t take the first step, of being truthful about a human wanting to study dragon-shifters, then who will?”

“You’re definitely not what I expected, Dr. Davies.”

“Call me Emily. And that doesn’t surprise me. Trahern only reveals what’s pertinent at the time.”

“Okay, Emily. Answer one more question. How do you know Alice?”

Emily shrugged. “There is an underground club of sorts, which consists of humans who are truly interested in dragon-shifters. I met Alice via a message board several years ago and then in person about a year ago. I helped her hide in rural Wales and stay under the radar.”

“Wait, what?”

“Not by myself, of course. Several of us took turns finding hiding spots. But over the years, we’ve become rather protective of each other, even if we rarely meet in person. Alice needed help, so we stepped forward.”

The surgery came into view. “You’re going to tell me more about this club, later.”

Emily shook her head. “I’m not divulging secrets that could cost lives. We consider ourselves a clan of sorts and we stick together. After all, we’re the only ones who understand each other.”

Sid admired the female’s dedication. Still, she wasn’t about to completely dismiss finding out more information. From what little Sid knew, Alice Darby knew more about dragon-shifters than any other human. She and the others might have information that could help Sid better take care of her patients.

However, as they entered the surgery, she ignored her curiosity for the time being.

Sid looked to each of her staff as they passed, signaling to halt their questions about the human until later. Once they were out of earshot and nearly to the laboratory, she murmured to Emily, “Trahern is currently working on a special project for me. While I can’t guarantee it, if you can help him with it, I may be able to convince Bram to let you stay.”

Emily bobbed her head. “That was my plan anyway.”

Sid was already starting to like the confident female.

They reached the laboratory door and Sid opened it to find Trahern peering through the microscope. He raised his head with a frown, but his expression turned stunned as his eyes found Emily’s.

When he said nothing, Emily laughed. “Nice to see you too, Trahern.”

Clearing his throat, he stood up. “I wasn’t expecting you is all.”

“Aren’t you a little bit curious as to how I’m here?” Emily asked.

“Why? You being here is all that matters,” Trahern stated.

Emily took a step toward the Welsh dragonman. “True, but the details are the interesting bit.”

Sensing the pair would dance around for a while if left to their own devices, Sid spoke up. “As much as I hate to cut your reunion short, I need you two to get to work. Someone’s mother needs our help or she may never wake up.”

Trahern moved back to his microscope. “Of course, Dr. Sid. Emily, you can read my notes while I continue my work. When you’re ready, you can help.”

The human didn’t blink twice before sitting next to Trahern. Emily had obviously worked with him enough in the past to follow his order.

Sid spoke up again. “Right, then I’ll leave you two to it while I do the rounds.”

The pair barely noticed her presence as she exited the room and shut the door.

She’d do her rounds as promised, but then she needed to find Gregor and discover why the hell the meeting was taking so long.


Gregor growled at Finn’s image. “Why are you making this so bloody difficult? You took Arabella from Stonefire. It shouldn’t require a negotiation to stay here.”

Finn leaned back in his chair. “Since you aren’t staying to mate Cassidy Jackson, I have to make it difficult or the bloody DDA will breathe down my neck. Dragon clan transfers require a considerable amount of paperwork.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024