Cured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 6) - Page 80

Brendan looked from Cassidy to Gregor and back again. “Okay. But don’t stay away too long, Dr. Sid. My dragon listens to you and I might need your help again.”

Cassidy ruffled the lad’s hair. “I’ll stay as long as you need me, Brendan. I promise.”

A knock on the door prevented the boy from replying. Ginny’s smiling face came in with a tray. “I have a very special soup for a very special guest.”

As Ginny settled the food on a tray and swung it over Brendan’s bed, Cassidy spoke up. “Ginny will stay with you for a few minutes whilst I talk with Dr. Innes. I’ll be right back, okay?”

Brendan nodded quickly. Ginny took the cue and waxed on about the importance of finishing every last drop.

Gregor pulled Cassidy into the hallway. Before she could open her mouth, he pulled her close and kissed her. While he didn’t have a lot of time, he stroked slowly against her tongue until his female sighed. With great effort, Gregor pulled back and murmured, “I love you.”

Sid blinked. “What?”

He cupped her cheek and stroked her soft skin. “Our time alone is short and I couldn’t wait any longer. Seeing you in there, playing charades with that boy, only strengthened my feelings for you. You’re a rare breed, Cassidy Jackson. You’re kind, determined, devoted, stubborn, and yet tender at times, too. With you at my side, we can accomplish anything.”

Cassidy played with the edges of his lab coat, and Gregor wondered if he’d miscalculated. Not that he’d take his words back as he meant them with every bone in his body.

Just when he was about to ask a question, Cassidy whispered, “I love you, too.”


When Gregor had said he loved her, Sid had frozen. She’d known he cared for her, but hearing the words made it a reality.

While she should be happy he felt the same as her, Sid waited for her dragon’s response.

At first, her beast merely sat and said nothing. Then after a few more beats, she spoke up. Don’t lose him.

She should play it safe, but Sid was tired of tiptoeing around her dragon. Why?

Her beast stood up. He is good for us.


Her dragon grunted. You heard me. What’s good for you is good for the baby. Don’t chase him away out of fear.

I’m more concerned about you leaving him, once the baby is born.

I won’t leave him. I like him.

Sid chose her next words carefully. He will only stay if we work together. I thought you wanted to take the child and flee?

Her dragon paused and then murmured, I liked the game. If I go out alone, it will be boring.

So you’re reconsidering?

Maybe, maybe not. Just don’t lose him.

The importance of her dragon’s statement wasn’t lost on Sid. She might actually have a chance.

As she stared into Gregor’s gray eyes, she could tell he was nervous about her reply. While the conversation with her dragon was a huge step, it paled in comparison to how she felt about the dragonman in front of her. Tired of always playing it safe, she took the jump and whispered, “I love you, too.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “Are you sure about it, lass? I can give you some more time, if you need it.”

She frowned. “Here I am taking a chance and you’re teasing me.”

He cupped her cheek and his rough fingers against her skin eased some of her tension. “You tensed up as soon as your pupils started flashing. I wanted to help you relax a little. After all, I’m your personal physician.”

“Right now, stop being my doctor and just be the man who loves me. He should be kissing me right about now.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024