Cured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 6) - Page 91

She snorted and took her tea. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

His dragon grunted. Stop delaying the conversation. I want her to agree to be our mate as soon as possible.

Gregor lightly squeezed the back of her neck. “So, what do you want to know?”

Cassidy searched his eyes. “I just want you to tell me more about her. She was important to you, which means she should be important to me.”

“You already know my sister liked to read books and stay inside.”

“Yes, but what about when you were children? Did you two ever get in trouble? The little details bring a person to life, Gregor. Since I never had the chance to meet Nora, I’d like to know her through you.”

“I think she would’ve liked you, despite your different personalities.” He smiled fondly. “Nora may have been quiet, but she was stubborn. So much so that when she wanted to visit a specific bird colony and our parents refused, she came to me. I was fifteen and she was thirteen. We both felt invincible.”

Cassidy tilted her head. “Did you succeed?”

“Not exactly.” Gregor grinned. “We got lost and ended up hiding in a forest. Being Scotland, it was raining, of course. It took us a few hours before we finally admitted defeat and called our parents. Let’s just say that security was tightened for a few months after our mishap and none of the younger dragon-shifters were happy about it.”

Even though Gregor and his sister had been different, they’d been close. The thought of never seeing his sister’s smiling face, let alone her daughter who looked just liked Nora, squeezed his heart.

Cassidy’s voice garnered his attention. “I’m sorry I won’t have the chance to meet her. However, you can talk to me about her anytime you want, Gregor. We’ll keep her memory alive.”

As he stared into his female’s eyes, Gregor fell in love with her all over again. “Thank you, love. I’m going to need some time to fully accept she’s gone, but I will definitely take you up on the offer.”

Cassidy placed her hand on his bicep. “If we have a girl, we can name her Nora, too, if you like.”

“We’ll see, love. We have many months to decide on a name. Speaking of which, you should rest. It’s been a long time since you flew and your body is going to be sore before long.”

She raised her brows. “You’re forgetting something quite important, though.”

His dragon huffed. How could you forget about wanting to mate her?

Gregor replied, “Well, I thought that was already decided. I talked about Nora and fulfilled your condition, hence you agreed to mate me.”

“Your romantic tendencies come and go, I see.”

Gregor took the cup of tea out of Cassidy’s hands, placed it on the table, and then kneeled in front of her. “Oh, bonny lass, would you do me the honor of becoming my mate?”

Amusement danced in her eyes as she answered, “I suppose.” He growled and she laughed. “Of course I’ll mate you, Gregor Innes. Hurry up and kiss me to seal the deal.”

Without another word, he took Cassidy’s lips in his and left no doubt that the deal was sealed between them.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Sid peeked out of the door on the side of the great hall one more time, but nothing had changed. The entire bloody clan, plus more than a few people from Lochguard, were dressed up and waiting for her mating ceremony to start.

Closing the door, she still couldn’t believe she was about to be mated to Gregor. Not only that, but with a baby in their future as well.

Her beast spoke up. We deserve it.

I’m not going to disagree with you, but with everything that’s happened over the last month and a half,

I still can’t believe it’s real.

I do. It’s nice not being locked up.

I’m sorry about that, dragon, I truly am.

Her beast huffed. Stop apologizing. We’ve already discussed this and put it behind us. Focus on the ceremony. Once we’re done with this, we can spend more time with flying practice.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024