Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 22

“Oh, I’m not embarrassed, but if I don’t know the dance, I don’t want to look the fool so soon.”

She grinned. “So you admit to looking the fool sometimes?”

He growled. “I didn’t say that.”

“I think you did.” They reached the cleared area and she released his arm. Once she was a few steps across from him, she put her arms at her side. “And if you don’t know this dance, then it’s because you skipped class that day and it’s your own fault.”

Aaron opened his mouth, but the beginning notes of one of the oldest dragon-shifter dances filled the hall. He did know the dance and not just because of class. It was his mother’s favorite, and Aaron had had to step up more than once to dance with her after his father’s abandonment.

As he bowed, he whispered, “Let’s see if you can keep up with me.”

The music cut off Teagan’s reply and Aaron took the first step.


Teagan’s heart thumped inside her chest. Not because of all the eyes on her. She was used to that.

No, it was because of the devilish look in Aaron’s eyes. She had a feeling he’d make her forget about everything but keeping up with him.

Her dragon spoke up. That’s a good thing. Once he knows our touch, he’ll be begging to kiss us in a dark corner somewhere.

Before she could state again that she wasn’t going to kiss Aaron that evening, the music began. She and Aaron bowed to one another before circling each other left and then right.

His dark brown eyes were intense, but it was foolish to think he was focusing on her. The male was competitive and out to win. He was probably looking for any fault to take advantage of.

Too bad Teagan was determined to outshine him first. Just because she could take down a male who weighed several stone more than her didn’t mean she couldn’t be dainty and graceful in order to outdo a male on the dance floor, too.

She put out her right hand and Aaron his left. The instant their palms touched, a shot of electricity raced through her body. But she didn’t have time to study Aaron and see if he felt the same pull of attraction as she.

True mate or not, she would admit he was a handsome male. And with his eyes and smiles, he’d probably danced with many females. Teagan wouldn’t read into anything.

They twirled with their hands clasped and released at the right moment to spin around and face each other once more. Aaron reached out and placed a hand on her waist to pull her close. She sucked in a breath at the heat of his skin through the thin material of her dress.

Aaron’s pupils flashed to slits and back before he took her hand and led her in the pattern of the dance. As their bodies moved in time to the music, she was content to allow him to lead.

Her dragon chuckled. It’s the first step to my grand plan. I look forward to him leading in other ways, such as when we’re naked.

Teagan concentrated on the steps of the dance before replying, You’re not helping. I don’t want to stumble.

Aaron increased his movements as the tempo picked up. She murmured, “You’re better at this than I thought.”

He tilted his head. “So are you ready to wax on about my dancing skills?”

She rolled her eyes. “One dance proves nothing. All I have to do is request an Irish one, and you’d be on the sidelines within seconds, nursing a twisted ankle or worse.”

“Then it’s a good thing I don’t own a pair of the special shoes you need to make the tapping sounds. I can sit out from the beginning and merely watch your legs as they flail about.”

As Aaron spun her, he pulled her tighter against his body. Only because the dance was ingrained into her being did she not miss a step. Aaron radiated an unimaginable amount of heat. A faint sheen of sweat probably covered her face from both dancing and being in Aaron’s proximity.

Her beast spoke up. We’d never be cold in bed again.

Focusing on the male, she kept up with him. “We have plenty of those types of shoes to share. I’m sure one of my Protectors would lend you theirs.”

“I might twist my ankle, and then I wouldn’t be able to face you in the morning. Which would you rather have—me stumbling to prove you’re a better dancer or having me available to brush up your skills to prepare for the upcoming challenge?” he asked.

“You’re right. I think I’d rather pin you to the ground and have you cede to me. That’ll be more satisfying.”

Aaron put extra energy into his turn as he murmured, “I was just thinking the same thing.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024