Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 35

He would make an excellent partner to challenge tradition.

Right, and he’d be afraid to push you like you need. Compare how you feel now—calm, rational, and collected—to when you see Aaron tonight.

Her dragon sent a rush of images of Aaron’s naked body, both standing in front of them and on top of her. Damn you, dragon.

Her beast merely chuckled. Teagan pushed aside the images and focused back on Colm. “Thanks, Colm. Let’s meet every other day, but you can come anytime if you find something important.”

Colm nodded and stood. “I’ll probably reach out to Caruso for help. It’ll give me a better chance to assess him myself.”

She didn’t know if it was to protect the clan in general or her specifically. “I already have one overprotective brother. I don’t need another.”

Hurt flashed in Colm’s eyes but disappeared before she could blink. “You carry a lot on your shoulders, Teagan. There’s nothing wrong with the clan looking after you, too. I’d do it even if you were male.”

“Colm, I’m sorry—”

He put up a hand. “Don’t worry about it. You’re under a lot of stress.” He glanced at t

he clock on the wall. “I need to get back to my students. Their other class is nearly over.”

Before she could say anything else, Colm exited the room.

Teagan laid her head on her desk. She’d unintentionally hurt one of her greatest supporters. She would have to be more careful of what she said.

Her beast spoke up. It’s stress and denying what you truly want.

If you say something about sex, then so help me, I will keep you locked up all day.

You said it, not me.

Her dragon turned her back and ignored her. Teagan let out a long breath and then sat up again. Maybe having Caruso come over to cook her dinner had been a bad suggestion.

Regardless, she wasn’t going to run away now. The evening would give her the chance to clear the air between them and regain her focus. She couldn’t afford to snap at any more of her clan members, especially when they merely tried to help her.

Chapter Nine

Aaron sat inside Orla’s cottage on an old, worn sofa covered in faded flowers. It seemed all the Glenlough leaders, both former and current, liked to keep him waiting.

His dragon spoke up. She is elderly. If she doesn’t arrive soon, we should check on her.

As Aaron debated whether to listen to his dragon or not, Orla thumped down the hall and into the room. Using her cane, she maneuvered herself into a pale blue armchair. Once her arse made contact with the cushion, she gripped the top of her cane with both hands and leaned forward. “I know you left with my granddaughter this morning. Tell me why.”

Bloody hell, not her, too. Aaron raised his brows. “That is between Teagan and I. Killian asked the same. It seems your family thinks it’s okay to ask around behind Teagan’s back instead of confronting her directly.”

Orla thumped her cane against the floor. “My concern is with you, not her. Tell me.”


Silence stretched for nearly a minute before Orla nodded. “You know how to keep your trap shut, which is a good sign.”

He resisted rubbing his brow. “Is there a reason I’m here? Because if it’s just to pass some bloody test, then I’m going to leave.”

“Hold your horses, boyo. I have a job for you.”

“Since when are you handing out assignments?”

She tilted her head. “Since when am I not?”

Aaron sighed. “And here I thought coming to Glenlough would be an easy assignment.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024