Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 47

She arrived at the back entrance to central command. I need to focus, so hush.

Used to being pushed to the side for clan business, her dragon didn’t fuss. Of course, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t badger Teagan later to think about Aaron again. Maybe by then, Teagan would have some more worthwhile excuses about why opening up to him was a bad idea.

Yet despite her best efforts to forget the evening, Aaron’s words came rushing back to her. “Sit in the chair and spread your legs. I want you open and willing for me.” Teagan shivered. Deep down, she wanted to experience his husky commands again.

Not that she could have it again if she didn’t finish her current task and protect against any oncoming threats. She took a few deep breaths to clear her mind.

Arriving at Killian’s office, Teagan entered and shut the door behind her. “Care to fill me in?”

Killian stood and handed her a sheet with a picture at the top of a middle-aged man with dark hair and key details on the bottom of the paper. Her brother answered, “That man, Roarke Bell, is with Clan Wildheath. He was setting up a tent and campfire in the forest when one of our patrols found him.”

She raised an eyebrow and met her brother’s eyes. “He’s not clever, then. Why would the Wildheath leader bother sending him at all if he’s that inept?”

“Their leader, Padraig O’Leary, is older and showing it. The only way for him to win over someone twenty-odd years his junior is to cheat. No doubt Roarke Bell was sent here to watch you train, scout out the surrounding areas, and to find out what he could about Glenlough by watching our activities.”

“Has Bell mentioned anything about a contact inside Glenlough?” Teagan asked.

Killian shook his head. “No. We haven’t been able to get much out of him. You should visit Bell and see what you can find out.”

“I will. Afterward, I need to think if contacting Wildheath’s leader sooner or much later will be better in the long run. If I outright disqualify him for cheating, the other leaders will say I did it because I’m afraid I can’t win.”

Killian grunted. “They’re insecure arseholes.”

She snorted. “I won’t disagree, but if I offend their delicate male egos too quickly, then we could face years of challenges. Since I have no desire to be forced out through constant attacks, we’ll have to somewhat put up with their crap in the interim, at least until the trials are over.”

“Or we could just buy you a fake dick and you can wave it about when they arrive, since that’s all that matters to them.”

Her brother rarely made a wisecrack, but when he did, it was golden. She grinned. “I might save the dildo waving until I beat their arses.”

“Make it a silver-colored one.”

“Yes, that glints in the sun.” She sobered. “But I can’t do any of that if I don’t deal with our current prisoner and plan my response.” She handed back the sheet of paper. “I’ll let you know what I find out. And make sure to do extra patrols from now until the leadership challenge. I don’t want any spies to succeed in taking home an advantage.”

“Of course. The prisoner is in interrogation room one.”

Teagan turned and exited Killian’s office. She made it to the correct room but entered the viewing booth to one side of it first. One of the older Protectors, Lyall O’Dwyer, sat in a chair behind the desk overlooking the room. Through the two-way mirror, Teagan spied the stranger sitting in a chair. She looked to Lyall. “Anything new to tell me?”

“Not really, Teagan. He’s been sitting there fairly still, staring at a fixed point on the wall. If he hadn’t been found so easily, I would say he’s readying himself for your interrogation,” Lyall answered. “But that contradicts with his actions thus far.

Teagan studied the prisoner through the glass. He didn’t fidget, nor did anything show in his eyes. “Unless he wanted to be captured and brought inside the clan’s lands.”

“Aye, that could be it, too. Are you still going to talk with him?”

“Doing so might give away a bit more about me, but I don’t really have a choice.” She waved toward the small television screen, which showed the prisoner inside the room. “Just make sure to record our session. I may need to use it when talking with his clan leader later.”

“Got it.”

Teagan exited th

e observation booth and entered the interrogation room via the hall. At her presence, the male shifted his focus from the wall to her.

The picture Killian had shown her hadn’t captured the pure disdain shining in the man’s eyes. So much for him being controlled.

Or he hated the thought of a female leader that much.

Her beast growled. He probably uses fear to control females back home.

Perhaps, perhaps not. Now hush.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024