Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 58

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not the point.”

“So you did like it.” He roamed a hand up her back to fist her hair. “Maybe one of these times we can both be naked at the same time. Then I can really work my magic.”

“I’m not sure when that’ll be, though.”

His dragon hummed. See? She thinks of being with us again. It should be every night. Then we can take care of her always.

Stop planning my bloody future.

He kissed the corner of her mouth. “Then surprise me. Even if I have to wake up early and go without coffee again, it’ll be worth it if it means I get you naked in either of our beds.”

She shook her head and her hair tickled his chest. “You say that now, but it could be this evening or days from now. I don’t have the most predictable schedule right now.”

Gently tugging her hair, he moved to kiss her jaw. “Anticipation is a heady thing, Teagan O’Shea. Maybe one day I can convince you of that.”

As soon as the words were out, he wanted to curse. Aaron was only on Glenlough for a short amount of time. He had no right hinting of a future.

Especially when Teagan could lose everything if the clan found out about them.

He took her lips in one final, rough kiss before he stepped away and pulled out of her.

His dragon huffed. Don’t let her go.

What the hell are you talking about? I can’t walk around the clan with Teagan attached to my dick.

That’s not what I mean.

He paused and simply said, I know.

Aaron took Teagan’s waist and lifted her off the counter and back to the floor. She stumbled a second and crashed into his chest.

He held her tightly, more than aware he should push her away.

After a minute, Teagan’s whispered, “I should go, Aaron. There’s a lot to do.”

He gave her one last squeeze before he released her. “Find me whenever you need me, Teagan.”

He expected a snarky reply, but Teagan merely nodded. “I need to go.”

She adjusted her dress and exited the back door.

Standing in silence, Aaron clenched his fingers and forced himself to turn away from the door. Teagan’s wasn’t his to go after.

Besides, he had assignments to do. Bram and all of Stonefire were counting on him. He wasn’t letting anyone down because of a female ever again.

Chapter Fourteen

A loud crack next to her ear woke Teagan and she jumped to her feet. Scanning her office, she found her grandmother lowering her cane to the ground. “What are you doing here, Gran?” she demanded.

Orla looked to the crowded sofa and back to Teagan. “I could do with resting my old bones first.”

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Teagan cleared one side of the sofa. It seemed everyone was a critic. “Hurry up before you fall over and hurt yourself.”

Orla tsked as she maneuvered her bum onto the cushion. “Odd that you’re giving health advice, granddaughter, when you’re not taking care of your own.”

Teagan smoothed her hair and sat back in her own chair. “I eat, I sleep, and I’m in perfect physical shape. Are you sure you’re not losing your mind, Gran?”

“Oh, stop it, Teagan Marie O’Shea. You’ve lived in this office for the last three days. I think you need some help and so I’m here to offer my services.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024