Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 61

He hugged Teagan a little closer to him. It’s not that simple.

Maybe it is.

Not wanting to argue with his dragon, Aaron buried his face in the crook of Teagan’s neck and closed his eyes. With her warm back against his front and her wild feminine scent filling his nose, he instantly fell asleep.


Aaron stood at the foot of a hill, scanning for Teagan. They were playing chase and it was his turn to find her.

He finally caught a glimpse of black hair waving in the wind at the top of the hill. He quietly inched his way up, determined to surprise her.

Lying on his belly, he crawled the last few feet until he could see Teagan sitting on the ground and leaning back on her hands, basking in the warm sunshine.

Something was wrong. She should’ve been waiting to attack him, not sitting out in the open with her eyes closed.

Opening her eyes, she looked straight at him and smiled. “Aaron. Come, I want to introduce you to my newest good friend.”

Curious, he stood and walked toward Teagan. However, when he was nearly to her, the dark-haired, olive-toned form of Nerina appeared from out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

Teagan stood and walked to Nerina. Teagan answered, “Nerina told me how useful you were to stir up jealousy. The male I truly wanted has noticed.” The blond-haired form of Colm crested the hill and swept Teagan off her feet. Teagan gazed up at him and said, “He’s Irish and won’t cause any problems when I mate him.” She looked to Aaron. “It’s time for you to go home.”

Aaron took a step toward Teagan and Colm, but they vanished. He was left alone with Nerina.

She laughed. “You aren’t worth the trouble. Go home and stay there. Why would any of us want an English dragon-shifter to tear apart our clans? If no one wants you on Stonefire, then maybe there’s a reason.”

Nerina snapped her fingers, and Aaron sailed through the air, over the Irish Sea, and landed at the gates of Stonefire. Bram stood in front of locked gates. His voice rang out. “You failed us, Aaron. You’re no longer welcome on Stonefire. Leave and never return.”

Aaron tried to shift, but his mind was silent.

His dragon was gone.

The gates to Stonefire grew taller and taller until Aaron stood alone inside a steel pen. A small window appeared, with his mother peering through. Disappointment shone in her eyes. “You’ll be just like your father, useless and untrustworthy. You’re the reason I’ve never had an easy life. Leave, and maybe I can finally be happy.”

His mother shut the window. Aaron stood alone, his dead father’s laugh echoing inside his new prison.


Teagan’s voice snapped him back to reality, and he opened his eyes to find her hovering over him.

She searched his gaze. “Are you all right? You were muttering and are covered in sweat.”

He rubbed a hand down his face. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a nightmare. Most of them had stopped once his father had left all those years ago.

The question was whether he should tell Teagan the truth or not.

His dragon growled. You should.

Why? So she can think I’m weak? I’ve spent over half my life proving my worth to the clan. As Stonefire’s representative, I can’t give her a reason to question the alliance.

This isn’t about the bloody alliance, and you know it. If you don’t take down your walls for Teagan, then for who? It’s not weak to admit faults. Maybe she is the one to help us finally leave this past behind and look toward the future.

Teagan’s voice prevented Aaron from replying to his beast. “While it’s nice you get along with your dragon, talk to me. What the bloody hell was going on? And don’t bother saying nothing.” She moved to straddle his stomach and extended a talon. “Do I really need to threaten you for the truth?”

His beast huffed. Two against one.

For once, Aaron didn’t want to challenge her or his dragon. He sighed. “I had a bad dream.”

Teagan raised an eyebrow. “And?”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024