Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 75

Chapter Seventeen

An hour later, Teagan stood outside the clan’s front gates with Orin, Padraig, and Hugh standing in a line to her side. All of Glenlough and the visitors waited on the sidelines.

The judges had approved the challenge. And to their credit, Orin and Padraig hadn’t thrown a tantrum about Hugh, probably because the male wasn’t in the best shape of his life.

While she wanted nothing more than to shift, jump into the sky, and begin, Colm, as main organizer of the challenges, needed to speak and officially start the event. Only then would the judges hand out the first clue.

Puzzles weren’t part of modern-day clan leader trials, but Teagan looked forward to it. In some ways, mental acuity was more important than ever in the present.

Her dragon huffed. I like the physical tests in the old way. My strength is important.

Of course it is. But I almost think it will sting their pride more if we beat them this way.

I don’t care how we do it, but we just need to win.

Before she could reply, a gong sounded and everyone quieted down as Colm took his place on a small raised dais. After another few beats, he spoke. “Orin Daly, Padraig O’Leary, and Hugh Burns have formally filed challenges against Glenlough’s current leader, Teagan O’Shea. To erase any doubts and to prevent war, Glenlough has decided to host a leadership challenge. However, this particular event will follow the challenges of old. Each participant will receive the first clue and must solve it and the subsequent ones in a certain order to find the hidden treasure at the end. To prevent cheating, each participant has a different set of clues, meaning the resulting treasures will be different. If any participant thinks to merely wait and steal another’s find, the judges will know. It is one of the ways for a person to be disqualified.

“Two others include killing or maiming an opponent. It should go without saying it’s forbidden, but I’m stating it for clarity. Observers have been stationed in key areas to ensure violence doesn’t occur. Any dragon who violates these rules will not only be disqualified, but will also stand trial on Glenlough once someone wins the challenge.

“Lastly, if any outside help is detected, the person in question will forfeit. This is a test of an individual’s skills alone.” Colm paused to look at them each in turn. “If the participants understand these stipulations, say aye.”

“Aye,” Teagan and the others answered.

Colm nodded. “There is no time limit to solve your set of clues. However, you must remain in the field and not take shelter or find food at any establishment or private residence. No other human or dragon-shifter is allowed to assist you, unless you are gravely injured and your life is in jeopardy. The puzzles will test your mental acuity, but you also must prove your survival skills.” Colm motioned to a group of people Teagan decided must be the judges since their faces were similar to the photographs she had received earlier. “Judges move into position to hand over the first clue.”

As the four individuals walked toward them, Teagan searched and found Aaron off to the side. He smiled and nodded at her.

Her dragon spoke up. He believes in us.

A female dragon-shifter with curly brown hair stopped in front of Teagan. It was Faye MacKenzie.

Even though they’d never been formally introduced, Faye smiled and the warmth reached her eyes. Teagan instantly knew she’d get along with the Scottish female.

We just have to win first, her dragon stated.

Colm’s voice filled the air again. “One final note—the humans have been barred from entering Glenveagh National Park and the surrounding areas for the duration of this contest. Anyone you see in the field is an observer or judge. They aren’t to be harmed.” He paused. Teagan and the others nodded. Colm added, “Right, then with everything laid out, it’s time to begin. Judges, hand over the clues and retreat back to your original spots.”

Faye handed over an envelope. The second it was in Teagan’s hands, she ripped it open and read the slip of paper inside:

Germany, Austria, and Mexico treasure me. However, Ireland killed me, but I was resurrected. Find your own possible rebirth in the tallest tree near the Derryveagh Mountains.

Teagan reread the clue before she pondered the meaning.

Germany and Austria both had eagles in their coat of arms. She didn’t know as much about Mexico, but there was a bird on the Mexican flag that resembled an eagle.

On top of that, eagles had been hunted to extinction in Ireland and were only reintroduced to County Donegal in 2001. In a way, that was a type of resurrection.

Her dragon spoke up. Then let’s find the nest in the tallest tree.

I only hope it’s a manmade one. I don’t want to harm the eagles. There are too few of them.

If Colm planned it, it will be a fake one. Now let’s go.

Teagan ran to a space big enough to shift, tore off her dress, and imagined her arm growing, her nose elongating into a snout, and wings sprouting from her back. Once she stood in her golden dragon form, she jumped into the sky and beat her wings.

One of the other competitors did the same a minute behind her, but Teagan focused on getting to the Derryveagh Mountains as quickly as possible. No doubt the next clue would be tougher, and she wanted to get started on it straight away.


Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024