Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7) - Page 85

Maybe not, but I’m more afraid of war.

I doubt it will come to that. Orin and Padraig betrayed us. That won’t sit well with most dragon-shifters.

“Most” being the key word.

The car driving Teagan back to Glenlough slowed down as the front gates opened. Because of the drugs she’d received, her pain was only a dull ache in both her leg and her neck. And thanks to the nurse who’d patched her up, Teagan was still conscious, which was quite a feat considering her blood loss.

Not for the first time she was glad dragon-shifters healed faster than humans.

Her dragon chimed in. If we had stayed in dragon form, we’d be even closer to being healed.

As much as you want to ride on the back of a lorry in dragon form, that would’ve drawn too much attention and taken too much time. Not to mention it would’ve made us a huge target.

With the three males taken care of and the darts probably not working on dragon hide, we would’ve been fine. At any rate, you can’t complain about the pain and had better stay awake until we see both Aaron and Killian.

At the mention of the two most important males in her life, emotion gathered in her throat. She was optimistic, but also a realist. If anything happened to either Aaron or Killian, she would be strong for the clan, but then cry her heart out in private. She couldn’t afford to let anything make her appear weak, especially in the current climate.

Needing a distraction and time to compose herself, Teagan focused outside the car window. As they cruised down the road, she noted that the streets and footpaths were empty. At least there wasn’t chaos inside her own clan.

Communication had been sparse since Teagan had contacted Brenna earlier, but Teagan had confidence that Brenna and Orla had implemented the security protocols and had things in hand.

Speaking of which, she tried dialing central command to check on things. Her calls hadn’t been going through during the drive because of something the clan had tried, probably to do with Kerrin. When Brenna finally answered, Teagan mentally sighed in relief. “Teagan?”

“Yes, it’s me. I’m sure you saw that the car I’m in has arrived, but I wanted to let you know that I’m going to the surgery first and then I’ll make my way over.”

“We can come to you,” Brenna answered. “Not only are you injured, but I’m sure you want to spend time with Aaron, too.”

Yes, Aaron. We need to hold him close, her dragon said.

Not until we have the time. There is much to do, and regardless of my own desires, it has to be done.

Teagan answered Brenna, “I’ll check in on Aaron whilst I’m there being examined, but until Dr. O’Brien tweaks the antidote, there’s little I can do for him. It’s more important to be brought up to date. Make sure to have a briefing ready for me when I arrive.”

“Of course.” Brenna paused and then added, “Just know that the clan has your back more than ever, Teagan. People keep calling in to ask how to help or to see if you’re okay, and in overwhelming numbers.” She lowered her voice. “Based on what I’ve witnessed, I’m fairly sure they’d support Aaron staying, too. His actions today are already well-known within the clan. Risking himself to save you is bloody heroic.”

“And I’m sure he’ll remind me every chance he gets when we’re in private,” Teagan muttered.

Brenna snorted. “I’m sure he will. But I’ve known Aaron most of my life. He’d do it again without batting an eyelash. It’s just who he is, which is a brilliant male to have at your side.”

Teagan opened her mouth to say she knew that already, but Orla’s voice came over the line. “Ignore the hero poppycock. You and Aaron being together is the worst-kept secret on Glenlough. No one cares that he’s English. Well, most don’t, at any rate. I suspect a few are jealous of your catch.”

Teagan sighed. “Gran, please. I don’t have time for this.”

Orla replied, “Just get yourself checked out and then check on your male. If anything changes, Brenna and I will let you know. Brenna’s quite the capable lass. If Killian ever decides to show his face again, he might have a rival for his position.”

A small part of Teagan was worried about Killian still being missing, but she trusted her brother to find a way home. She’d talk to some of the Protectors once she had a chance, as a precaution.

Her dragon spoke up. Killian would want us to focus on the clan first, so we should.

I know what he’d bloody want, but he’s family. I’ll give him a few more hours, but then I’m going to act on my worry and see if I can send some Protectors to search for him.

Brenna’s voice came back over the line, which prevented her dragon from arguing. “The adrenaline in your body is long gone by now, Teagan. See the doctor and take care of you and your male. We need both of you well. This is long from over. I think Glenlough has been added to the target list of at least the Dragon Knights, along with Stonefire and Lochguard. Not to mention already being targeted previously by the dragon hunters. We need you healthy.”

The line went dead and Teagan sighed before saying to her dragon, It didn’t take long to go from doing everything myself to having several strong-willed helpers.

Good. Maybe we’ll be able to do more than fill out paperwork or listen to arguments from now on. I want to fly more often.

We’ll see, dragon. We’ll see.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Stonefire Dragons Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024