The Dragon's Choice (Tahoe Dragon Mates 1) - Page 6

Says who?


She finally filled up her plate and selected a bottle of ice tea before sliding into one of the chairs at the table.

Not bothering with food, he sat across from her, making sure his leg "accidentally" brushed against hers. The human had the cookie midway to her mouth and froze. He tried rubbing his leg against hers, and she met his gaze.

The heat and curiosity there made his cock instantly hard.

Ah, yes, he was going to enjoy this human in his bed.

He just needed to get her to sign the fucking paperwork first.

Opening one of the binders, he gave it to her and took another. Even if this was boring, and not what he wanted to do right now, he would make it a game. How much coaxing under the table would it take to make her touch him back?

The dragon in him settled down with wide eyes. Dragons liked games, and Victoria Lewis had just become the most exciting one of their lives.

As the dragonman's leg brushed against hers, she froze. Not out of fear, but each small rub of his jean-clad leg against her own made her belly flip and heat rush between her thighs.

She knew the purpose of all this was sex and a baby, but did he really want her so badly that he'd resort to nearly playing footsie under the table?

Then his leg moved between hers, gently nudging them apart.

And for a second, she thought if she only moved forward a little on her seat, his knee could reach the currently throbbing bundle of nerves there.

However, Jose removed his leg and sat back in his chair, a smug look on his face. "Are you going to eat that or not?"

Glancing at the forgotten cookie in her hand, she resisted scowling. He damn well knew why she'd forgotten about it. It wasn't every day a hot, sexy dragonman tried to get between your legs.


She should toss it down and then look at the first page of the binder. However, somewhere deep inside, in that place she usually reserved for fantasies and dreams, an idea burst forth. Never tearing her gaze away, she licked the edge of the cookies slowly, flicking her tongue against the edge a few times before bringing it to her lips. After running it slowly back and forth, she finally took a bite.

And she heard the dragonman suck in a breath.

Triumph coursed through her body. For the first time in her life, she'd been able to be as smooth as in her fantasies.

However, the happiness didn't last long because Jose took the cookie from her hands, popped the rest into his mouth, and moved her plate away. "I see you're hungry, human. If you want a taste of what you're really dying to lick, then let's get started."

With two sentences, her cheeks burned. So much for being smooth and sexy, acting as if she taunted dragon-shifters any day of the week.

Picking up the binder, she did her best to focus on the front page. What she found made her frown.


Before going any further, you agree to sexually be at the mercy of one dragon-shifter for as long as it takes to conceive. Dragon-shifters are fierce in bed, and if this scares you, call the ADDA employee to leave now. You've been warned.

Whoa. They weren't holding anything back, were they?

And that inner piece of herself couldn't help but murmur, "Methinks dragons overstate their abilities."

Jose's leg was back between hers, his knees nearly touching her center. He said, "I'll have to try harder than before to prove it's true, won't I?"

Looking up, she gasped at the heat in his eyes. Add in the flashing pupils, and it was clear she wasn't around an ordinary, cocky human man.

This was a dragon-shifter, and one who apparently liked to prove things.

Maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Tahoe Dragon Mates Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024