The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons 1) - Page 60

Holly hated running, but that didn’t give her a reason to burden Fraser. “I can handle it for now. Come, let’s go. Since it’s the middle of a work day I’m sure we can find an empty home to duck inside. The sooner you call Lochguard, the better.”

They started running and Fraser added, “And lucky for you, I’ve had my fair share of getting in and out of houses undetected.”

“We can talk about your criminal history later.”

Holly tugged Fraser’s hand. He muttered, “Criminal history, my arse,” but then fell silent.

As they exited the other side of the alley and turned right, Holly tried her best to keep her breath. Apparently a twelve-day sex marathon hadn’t helped her to get in shape at all.

Of course, not that any of that mattered. All they needed to do was to find an empty home, preferably a detached one. There would be less chance of neighbors hearing them move about if they didn’t share a wall.

Fraser pointed toward the left. “I see some houses in that direction.”

Holly didn’t see anything but a blur of shapes. “Are you using your super-dragon senses?”

“Yes. Trust me, honey. I don’t hear any running behind us and we can find safety to the left.”

Nodding without hesitation, Holly pushed herself to run faster. “Then let’s go.”


Fraser appraised the house at the end of the block. It was detached, with no cars parked in front, and a fence that could be climbed around the back garden. And, most importantly, the lights were also out.

Holding his breath, he listened for any signs of life, but there was no TV, no music, and no talking.

He was fairly certain the place was empty.

Squeezing Holly’s hand in his, he whispered, “Follow my lead.”

For once, his human didn’t try to argue with him and together they made it to the rear of the house to just outside the fence. Fraser was tall enough to look over it, but when his last check of the windows and for noises came up negative, he released Holly’s hands and laced his own together. “Come on. We need to climb the fence.”

She sighed, but put her foot into his hands and he lifted her. The second Holly landed with a soft thud on the other side, Fraser took the top of the fence in his hands, jumped, and swung over to the other side.

Avoiding the scattered toys in the yard, he guided Holly to the rear door. Some humans tended to keep a spare key of some sort, so Fraser rummaged through the nearby flower pots and bushes. Eventually he found one and opened the door.

The second he and Holly were inside, he took out his mobile phone. “Keep a watch on the front windows. I’ll watch the back as I call Finn and let him know what’s going on.” Holly hesitated, and he cupped her cheek. “What happened to my strong lass? I need her right now.”

Holly took a deep breath and then stood tall. “I’m still here. Do you have a code word or something I should use in case I see something?”

Despite the enormity of the situation, the corner of his mouth ticked up. “How about ‘intruder’ or ‘danger’?”

Holly rolled her eyes and the sight helped to ease some of his own nervousness. “Smartarse.”

He grinned. “Hey, you asked.”

Shaking her head, Holly moved toward the front of the house and Fraser pressed his speed dial for Finn’s mobile number.

After two rings, his cousin answered. “What’s going on, Fraser? You’re thirty minutes early for our next check-in. Are you okay?”

“I don’t have time for pleasantries, Finn. Someone was following us on the motorway. Faye turned off into some section of Aberdeen so that Faye and Iris could face the intruders whilst Holly and I found a place to hide.”

Finn’s voice turned serious-but-distant, as if he were holding the phone away from his mouth as he barked, “Arabella, I need your help.” Finn’s voice returned to normal volume. “Tell me where you are and I’ll send reinforcements as soon as possible.”

“I’m not entirely sure where I am. But before I ask Holly, can you have someone check on her father? She’s worried about him.”

“Rightly so,” Finn answered. “I’ll reach out to Stonefire and see what their humans can do to help us. Between the female reporter and the former DDA employee, I’m sure we can do something.”

“Good. Once you know anything, call or text me.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024