The Dragon Guardian (Lochguard Highland Dragons 2) - Page 38

Before he could ask any questions, Arabella was gone.

Making his way to the kitchen, he found Gina sitting at the table nibbling on a biscuit. He couldn’t help but stare at the fleck of chocolate on her upper lip. What he wouldn’t give to lick it away.

Gina swallowed. “Something smells good. Stop staring at me and give me some.”

Blinking, Fergus handed over the takeaway bag. “I hope you’re not a vegetarian. How some humans give up meat, I’ll never know. My dragon would drive me crazy without it.”

Gina opened the container and took a deep inhalation. “No, I love meat too much. And this smells good.” She picked up the plastic fork and took a portion. Fergus watched as she slipped the food between her lips.

He would love to have those soft, pink lips around his cock.

His dragon roared inside his mental maze and Fergus quickly brought up images of older dragonwomen in bikinis. Damn Gina MacDonald and her sensual lips. She had to be taunting him on purpose.

With a deep breath, he focused on letting the cat out of his carrier. “What did you talk about with Arabella? Because whatever it was, you’ve nearly won her over and that’s quite a feat when it comes to Arabella MacLeod.”

Gina answered as soon as her mouth was empty. “Not much. She hasn’t decorated a room for her triplets yet, so I’m going to go over there tomorrow and suggest some ideas.”

He frowned. “Ara doesn’t strike me as the type to care about decorating things.”

She pointed her fork at him. “You’d be surprised. Apparently, she loves picture of old doors. We can totally use that as a starting point and go from there.”

Fergus couldn't care less about decorating rooms, but he loved the anticipation shining in Gina’s eyes. He’d bet his life that this was the first time in a long time the lass had forgotten about her past long enough to be happy. He only wished it was because of him.

Stop it, Fergus. We’re a grown male. That may be true, but there was nothing wrong with making his lass a little happier.

Walking over to her, he tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “If you can get Arabella to vouch for you, then Finn will probably allow you to stay, lass.” He took her chin between his fingers. “And I hope you’ll stay.”

As he stroked the soft skin of her jaw, Gina stopped breathing. She even leaned a few inches toward him.

If he were noble, he would release his grip and allow the lass to eat. Yet as her pupils dilated and her heart rate kicked up, Fergus didn’t want to waste his chance. He squatted down until he was eye level and murmured, “You’re so lovely, Gina. Between the sparkle in your green eyes and your wild, curly hair, you are most definitely the bonniest lass I’ve ever seen.”

She moved back a few inches. Only through his ironclad restraint did he keep his dragon in check as she replied, “Don’t do that, Fergus.”

“Do what, lass?”

“Say things you don’t mean. I know you’re my Guardian and I’m pretty sure your duties include keeping me happy. But don’t do it like that. A dragonman sweet-talked to me for several weeks before laughing in my face and abandoning me. Don’t lie to me, too.”

He growled. “I’m not bloody lying. I’m sorry the bastard American treated you that way, but don’t compare me to him.” He leaned closer to her face. “You are beautiful, Gina. Don’t ever doubt it.”

She opened her mouth, but not wanting to hear another excuse, he kissed her.


Gina had been about to tell Fergus to leave when he kissed her.

Part of her wanted to punch him in the dick for his audacity, but the other part of her breathed in relief. Ever since he’d had his hand on her thigh back at the MacKenzie household, her lips had pulsed with desire, wanting to be kissed.

As he sucked and nibbled, she let out a sigh. Fergus made her feel as if she were the only woman in the world and he would stop at nothing to devour her. If only she could start over and have Fergus be the dragon-shifter she’d met in the bar; her life would be in a very different place.

Yet as Fergus threaded his fingers through her hair and dug his nails lightly into her scalp, she forgot about everything in the past. They were alone with no one watching. Even if it was just this one kiss, Gina wanted to feel desired.

Fergus pulled away but stayed close. His eyes were filled with heat and wanting. “Was that enough to convince you of how much I want you?”

Say yes and dismiss him. Going any further could be dangerous.

However, Fergus lightly brushed her cheek with a finger from his free hand and she shivered. He smiled slowly and added, “Does my touch make you burn, Gina MacDonald?” His eyes flashed to slits and back. “It’s taking everything I have not to carry you to bed and make love to you.”

Her heart thumped as she saw the truth in his eyes. “I thought a Guardian was only supposed to protect me.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024