The Dragon Guardian (Lochguard Highland Dragons 2) - Page 48

“I’m sure,” Fergus muttered.

Fraser looked back to Gina. “So, how about it? Holly and I would love to take you out to lunch and tell you everything you want to know about my twin brother. Poking at his pet peeves can be fun.”

Gina raised her chin. “No, thank you. Fergus is taking me to a surprise. So unless you know what it is and want to spill the beans, we’ll be on our way.”

Fraser blinked and Fergus barked out a laugh. “It looks like you can add another female to the list of those who can resist your charm, brother.”


bsp; Fraser stood taller. “Then I’ll just have to up my game. Next time, I’ll have Gina giggling at my words.”

From the corner of Fergus’s eye, he saw Gina roll hers and say, “I was in college until very recently. Guys in their late teens and early twenties think they’re charming, but in reality they’re being ridiculous. You would be easy to resist in comparison, Fraser.”

Fergus squeezed Gina’s shoulder in encouragement and added, “She has you down to a T, brother. So how about you act ridiculous somewhere else?”

Fraser sighed. “Does the last twenty-nine years mean nothing to you, Fergus?”

“Of course they do. However, you irritating me isn’t recent. Besides, we’ll see you later on anyway. Let us go or we’ll be late for Gina’s surprise.”

“If I must.” Fraser gave a dramatic bow and looked up at Gina. “Until later, my lady.”

They took their leave of Fraser. Fergus met Gina’s gaze. “He might be irritating, but Fraser is not only my best friend, he’s loyal and would sacrifice his life to save his family.”

Gina patted his chest. “I know. His mate has been extremely kind to me and I’m in her debt. Still, I learned the hard way to deflect charm right away to save myself a headache later on, so I took that approach with Fraser.”

Fergus frowned. “Just how many males did you have to chase away?” She tapped her chin and he growled. “How many, Gina?”

“My, my, I see your possessiveness is back. Will it ever go away?”

“Probably not. You still haven’t answered my question.”

She raised her brows. “Is this how you get information out of people to help your clan?” She poked his bicep. “It could be a bit off-putting.”

“Only you bring this demanding nature out of me, Gina MacDonald.” Afraid he might’ve scared the lass, he searched her eyes. But all he saw was curiosity. He sighed. “I can’t help it. My dragon’s mood is affecting my actions. He’s the possessive bastard out of the two of us.”

She placed her hand on his chest. “I knew about inner dragons, but I never really understood how much they could influence your human half.”

He played with a strand of her hair. “Aye, they do quite a bit. Usually, I can control him. But it’s hard to do with you, lass.”

“Why?” she asked.

Knowing what he did of her past with the Yank arsehole, he wasn’t sure it was the right time to tell her about being his true mate.

His dragon growled. The longer you wait, the more difficult I’ll become.

A few more hours won’t kill you.

His beast huffed. It just might. Because of your surprise, a single, unattached dragonman will see her today and he may go after her.

We’ve known Alistair Boyd our whole lives. Stop being ridiculous. The male likes to keep to himself and isn’t about to charm Gina away.

But he has knowledge our female wants.

Fergus mentally sighed. I’m done arguing for now.

Ignoring his beast, he focused back on Gina. “I can either answer your question or take you to your surprise. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late and miss it.”

Indecision battled in her gaze. She finally nodded. “Okay, I’ll let it go for now. But I won’t answer your question until you answer mine.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024