The Secret Heir - Page 55

“We probably did,” she cut in ruefully. “It was all such a crazy, romantic whirlwind that we didn’t have a chance to work out all of the practical details beforehand.”

“And then we let parenthood, and other family issues, interfere.”

“We’ve both made mistakes,” she said firmly. “We came from very different backgrounds and had different expectations, and that was bound to cause problems. We’ll undoubtedly have more problems and make more mistakes in the future. But I love you, too, Jackson. I have from the night we met. We have a lot going for us, including an absolutely perfect little boy who has been given a second chance at growing up strong and healthy. I’m willing to start over if you are.”

“In Texas?”

She kept her voice even. “If that’s where we decide to go. I just want to make sure that we would be moving there for the right reasons.”

Jackson stood and held out a hand to her. She placed hers in it and allowed him to draw her to her feet.

“Remember what we did after the luau?” he asked, sliding his arms around her. “We went back to our room, and we danced together—”

She locked her arms around his neck, gazing up at the man whose sexy smile had made her knees go weak that night. It still did, she discovered as she leaned against him. “I remember.”

His mouth covering hers, he moved his feet in a slow, seductive dance that she followed easily. And then he swept her into his arms and headed for their bedroom.

Smiling shakily, Laurel tucked her head into the crook of his neck and remembered that their dance hadn’t lasted very long that other night, either. But the spectacular lovemaking that had followed…

She sighed in anticipation.

The bedroom was dark enough that Laurel could almost imagine she was back in the honeymoon suite in Hawaii. A faint scent of the tropical scented potpourri she kept in a glass dish on the nightstand added to that illusion, carrying her back to the time when she and Jackson had been giddy newlyweds, so feverishly in love that they both thought they would explode with it.

The years since that honeymoon faded away as Jackson helped her out of her clothes, punctuating each movement with kisses and caresses. For the first time in much too long, she felt young and sexy again, unconcerned with the faint, lingering marks of pregnancy or any of the other slight changes that time had wrought in either of them. Jackson was as attractive to her now as he had ever been, and he left her in no doubt that he felt the same about her.

Though he knew every inch of her body, he took his time exploring her again, as if for the first time. She stripped away his shirt and pants, wanting the freedom to do the same with him.

The barriers between them during these past months had been emotional rather than physical, but it felt almost as if she were really touching him again for the first time since that honeymoon. Baring her emotions to him had stripped her of other inhibitions, as well, so that she was able to give herself fully to their lovemaking now. Judging from the wonder in his touches and the excited murmurs he made as they kissed and touched, he must have felt much the same way.

He laid her gently on the bed, leaning over her to nuzzle her breasts with his lips and his tongue. Her nipples were swollen and aching by the time he moved on, her hips moving restlessly on the bed as she urged him to her. She reached down to touch him intimately, finding him so fiercely aroused that she marveled at his self-control. Still he took his time, his fingers sliding between her legs to stroke her almost to the edge of madness before he settled on top of her.

Digging her fingertips into his damp shoulders, she arched upward. “Jackson,” she whispered, and her tone was a hoarse mixture of demand and pleading.

“I love you,” he murmured, just before thrusting so deeply into her that she thought he touched her very soul.

She wanted to tell him that she loved him, too, but an explosion of sensation robbed her of the ability to speak. Instead, she concentrated on giving him a thorough demonstration of exactly how she felt about him.

Jackson seemed unusually reluctant to leave for work the next morning. He lingered over breakfast, teasing with Tyler and giving Laurel looks that brought a warm flush to her cheeks. And then he sighed and reached for the case that held the paperwork he would need at the site that day. “I guess I’d better go.”

“Bye, Daddy.”

Jackson lightly squeezed his son’s shoulder. “What are your plans for the day, sport?”

“Mommy and I are going to the grocery store.” He looked as excited as if he’d said they were going to a carnival, Laurel thought indulgently. Poor child probably was looking forward to going someplace that wasn’t a hospital.

“It’s okay to take him out?” Jackson asked, looking a bit concerned.

“As long as we aren’t out for long. I won’t let him get too close to anyone who might have a cold or virus.”

“Make him wash his hands when he gets home.”

She knew that of course, but didn’t bother to point it out. Jackson needed to feel useful, needed to feel that he was making a contribution. It was a part of his nature that would never change. “I will.”

He gave her a half smile that told her he was well aware she hadn’t needed his advice, but was pleased she had acknowledged it. And then he left for work, promising to be home as early as he could. For once, Laurel believed that he really would make that effort.

She and Tyler made the planned trip to the grocery store, stopping for milkshakes on the way home. She was both delighted and relieved to note that the outing didn’t seem to tire him overly much. He hadn’t regained full strength yet, but he was well on his way, she thought in satisfaction.

Tyler took a short nap after the outing, during which Laurel did some laundry and made a few calls—one of them to set up a meeting with Leslie Logan’s daughter and new son-in-law the following week in her home. She would have to visit their home, as well, but the preliminary interview could take place here, she decided. As fond as she was of Leslie, she would grant no special favors to her daughter, other than agreeing to doing these interviews during her leave of absence, of course.

Tags: Gina Wilkins Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024