My Single-versary (Happy Endings 0.50) - Page 24

“Good to see you. For the—what is it now? The twentieth time in six months?”

“Yes, but who’s counting?”

He runs his fingers through my hair. “Evidently, me.”

The car behind us honks impatiently.

“All right,” Caleb grouses at the other driver. “Keep your shirt on.” I giggle, and we exchange smiles. “That’s my cue to get you home.”

He puts his hands on the wheel, but before he puts the car in gear, he pauses. “You know, if this were your home too, I wouldn’t have to keep counting your visits.”

I gasp, scandalized. “Why, Caleb, are you asking me to have another tryst?”

“Let’s see. We’ve had the tropical tryst and the city tryst.” He slides a glance my way. “What if we had a live-in-the-same-home tryst?”

I’m delighted but not surprised. This is Caleb. Things happen with him with perfect timing—not too early and not too late. It’s one of the things I’ve grown to love about his strategic way of doing things.

“Hmm,” I purr, sliding my hand up and down his thigh as he drives. “As long as it comes with the ‘something on the side’ special.”

He catches my hand and kisses it. “Always, Skyler. You always get the Double O special.”

“Then I say infinitely yes.”

* * *


Tags: Lauren Blakely Happy Endings Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024