Virgin Seeks Bad Boy (Bliss River 3) - Page 37

“Yes, sir, thanks so much, but our car was towed. We were swimming at Lake Wiley and came back to the parking lot, and it was just…gone. Now we’re trying to get back to town so we can figure out where the company towed it.” She twines her fingers together in front of her chest and widens her big blue eyes in a silent plea I know I’d find hard to resist. “Do you think you could give us a ride to Bliss River, sir? We’d really, really appreciate it.”

“We can give you money for gas,” I add, drawing the old man’s attention.

I can’t see his eyes well in the shadows inside the truck—his bushy white eyebrows don’t help much, either—but I can feel myself being sized up as a potential threat. I do my best to look as harmless and friendly as possible, and after only a moment, the farmer waves a hand.

“Come on, then,” he says. “I’m Dan.”

“Oh, thank you, so, so much, Dan.” Melody flashes an excited grin my way as we cross the road. “We’re Melody and Nick.”

“Nice to meet you. Only room for one in front, but one of you can ride in the bed,” the man says, smiling kindly at Melody before shooting me a stern look that makes it clear who he thinks should ride in the back.

“You take the front,” I say, taking Melody’s bag from her shoulder. “I’ll ride in back with our stuff.”

“Thanks again, sir,” I add as I climb into the bed, finding a mostly clear place between a toolbox that looks too heavy for the old man to lift and several pairs of muddy work boots. I settle into a spot with a clear view of Melody through the truck’s back glass, just in case this sweet old farmer isn’t as sweet as he seems, and we’re off.

A half hour later, we arrive at Melody’s apartment, and I hop down on the passenger’s side to open her door. She laughs at me—clearly amused by my windblown truck hair—we both thank Dan for the ride, and the farmer heads back the way he came.

“Well, that was an adventure,” she says, turning back to me with a happy sigh that becomes another burst of laughter. “I’m sorry,” she says, covering her mouth with one hand. “But you look like you were attacked by wild dogs.”

“Wild dogs might have been preferable. Fewer squashed bugs involved,” I say, swiping at my neck and wincing as I drag another six-legged something off my sweat damp skin. “I’m going to catch the bus home and grab a quick shower before I head in to work. I would kiss you good night, but…”

“Let me drive you,” she says. “That’s why I asked Dan to drop us here. I figured we could grab my car, and I could drive you home.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t have to. I want to,” she says, punching me lightly in the stomach. “Let me be your warrior princess in shining armor.”

I grin. “I’ve never been with a warrior princess before.”

“I think you’re going to like it,” she says with a wiggle of her brows. “All the perks of a normal princess, but with saving services included when you need them.”

“I do need saving services every once in a while.”

“Everyone does,” she says, digging her keys from the bottom of her swim bag. “It’s a known fact. Come on, my car’s parked around back.”

While Melody drives us across town, I make a few phone calls and discover that my car was, in fact, towed. The towing company said they left a card behind, but I’m not sure if they’re telling the truth.

Either way, at least the car is safe, if impounded.

“At least it wasn’t stolen,” Melody says, echoing my thoughts as I end the call with a promise to get in touch again tomorrow when the lot manager is in.

“Probably better if it had been.” I sigh. “Unless I can talk the manager into giving me a first time tower discount, it’s going to cost a bundle to get the Midge out of the impound lot, and I just emptied my savings to open the shop with John.”

Melody hums thoughtfully. “Well, I can give you a ride to any catering events, so don’t worry about that. And your apartment is close enough to walk to the shop if you have to.”

“True,” I say, strangely unfazed by the frustrating turn of events. Usually, I’d be pissed that I’d been towed when there wasn’t a single sign alerting people that parking in that area wasn’t allowed. But Melody’s look-on-the-bright-side attitude is infectious. She makes me feel happy and at peace…when I’m not on fire from wanting to get naked with her, of course.

We reach my apartment, and she pulls to the curb. “Want me to come up and make you some tea while you shower? Tea soothes the wounded soul.”

Tags: Lili Valente Bliss River Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024