Virgin Seeks Bad Boy (Bliss River 3) - Page 49

“I thought so,” I say in a hushed tone. “Did you know she and John were dating?”

“No!” she whisper-shouts, obviously not wanting to attract John’s or Kitty’s attention. “She hasn’t said a word about dating anyone, the little, withholding rat.”

“Maybe she’s too ashamed to claim John,” I say with a laugh.

She turns to shoot me a narrow look, letting the curtain drop back into place. “Oh, come on. John is adorable.”

I arch an eyebrow. “You saw him with the beard, right?”

She wrinkles her nose. “Okay, I see your point. But he’s looking much more adorable now that he’s shaved, and he seems really nice. I’m so happy for Kitty,” she says, before adding in a confidential tone, “Don’t tell John, but she’s been lonely for a while. For some reason, the men in this town aren’t into dating girls who run a garage.”

I run a hand through my hair, wondering how honest I should be with Mel about John’s track record. I don’t want her friend to get hurt, but if John’s been motivated to change his ways by the right girl, I don’t want to mess up my friend’s love life, either.

After all, I know firsthand how the right person can change everything, almost overnight.

Two weeks ago, I was dead set against dating Melody.

Now, I’m ready to propose.

Just in case John’s experiencing a similar change of heart, I decide to hold my tongue and talk to my roomie first before I give Melody a heads-up for her friend.

The bell above the door tinkles, signaling that John and Kitty have left, and I turn back to Mel. “Okay, you ready to do this?”

She takes a deep breath, excitement glittering in her eyes. “So ready.”

Chapter 21


“Are you sure?” I hold Melody’s gaze, wanting to make one hundred percent sure she’s committed to this. “There’s no shame in deciding you want wait. I can save the sketch, and we can do it later.”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m ready. I love it. The changes you made are perfect. I want it even more now than I did before.”

“Okay,” I say, comforted by the assurance in her voice. “Then put on your playlist, and I’ll get the sketch onto the transfer paper and prep my stuff.”

“Yay!” Melody claps her hands, bouncing lightly on her feet before dancing across the room to the computer.

I watch her for a second, loving how uninhibited and childlike she can be even while maintaining that very adult, very sexy way about her that makes me want to worship at the altar of her body…forever.

Finally, I force my focus back to the task at hand.

Twenty minutes later, my station is sanitized and ready, and Melody is on my table with her halter top pulled up on one side.

I pull my latex gloves on, taking extra care as I carefully shave the area. Next, I spray Melody’s skin with a little soap and water to help with the transfer of the stencil and position the phoenix where she said she wanted the tattoo. “Last chance,” I warn.

“I’m ready,” she says, with a sniff and a wiggle of her nose.

“You like where I’ve put it?” I ask. “Make sure. If not, it’s no trouble to clean the skin and reposition.”

She lifts her head and gazes down. “Looks perfect.”

“All right.” I pick up my tattoo gun. “I’ll start on the outline. We’ll get through that tonight, but we can wait to do the color during another session if the discomfort gets to be too much. It’s a big one for your first.”

“That’s what all the guys say,” Melody says with a chuckle and another sniff.

“Ha. Ha. Do you need a tissue?” I ask, rolling my stool toward John’s station and the box of tissues.

“No, it’s all right. Just let me scratch my face really quick, and I’ll be still.” She rubs the tops of her eyes and then tucks one hand under the pillow I brought for her. “Ready.”

I roll back and spread my fingers gently across her ribs beneath the outline. “Here we go.” I take a breath and start on the phoenix’s face, going slow until I feel Melody begin to relax into the process.

“This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” she says, sniffing again before she adds, “A little itchy, but not bad.”


I pause, pulling the needle from her skin. She shouldn’t be itching at this point. Most people don’t complain of itching until days after the tattoo is finished, and the wound is beginning to heal.

I stare hard at the area around the bird’s head where Melody’s skin is already starting to turn red. A little irritation can be normal, but there are several spots surrounding the place where I started that are puffy, almost…blotchy.


She’s breaking out in hives. They’re popping out all over, spreading like wildfire in just the few seconds I’ve paused to watch.

Tags: Lili Valente Bliss River Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024