Dark Vow (Blackwoods College) - Page 11

“This is only part,” I pointed out. “We discussed more.”

“More will come. We need to see weapons, make sure everything is good—”

“The Solar Company has impeccable standards, Mr. Jansons.”

“But I am not dealing with the Solar Company, am I?” He smiled placatingly, and I wanted to strangle the life from him.

I stared at the simpering bastard for several long, tense moments, but I turned my back on the table. “Matthias will finish this discussion and ensure everything is in order. Tell Minister Brnovich that while this isn’t official Solar business, it still carries the Solar name. He should be more careful.” I walked away, leaving Matthias to handle cleanup.

I got into one of the cars, and it began the drive back to the hotel. I stared out the window at Riga, at the people going about their lives in a foreign place I’d never visited before, while back at the airport several cargo jets filled with bombs, small arms, missiles, and ammunition were being unloaded into a private hangar that I’d bought just for this occasion.

And my family had no clue it was happening.

I’d suspected there would be problems. Nothing was easy when dealing with governments, especially small European countries that had never purchased weapons before. I’d known that I’d have to cajole, bribe, and fight my way into this money.

But I’d hoped the problems wouldn’t start the moment we landed.

I closed my eyes. At least Robyn waited for me back at the hotel. She didn’t want to be here—but that was a minor detail.

The pressure of this deal hung on my shoulders like live electric wires. If I screwed this up, my brothers were waiting to pounce and cut my throat. They’d steal away my inheritance and make sure I never took over the Solar Company, regardless of whether Robyn married me or not.

Though it would help if she did.

My father wasn’t keen on me taking control. I hadn’t shown an aptitude for or an interest in selling murder, which I didn’t think was a bad thing. He didn’t agree.

If I wanted to control my family’s power, then I had to prove myself.

This deal was the first step.

The next step was marrying Robyn and getting her pregnant.

Then my father wouldn’t be able to complain. Not with a wife, and a child, and a big deal under my belt.

And if it all fell through? At least I’d have Robyn.

Above all, she was the true prize.

She was worth killing for. Worth dying for.

And if necessary, I’d do both before this was all over.

The car stopped, and I headed up to the penthouse suite. The hotel was lush and beautiful, and I hoped Robyn would enjoy her time trapped inside.

A guard standing near the front door let me in, but he didn’t meet my gaze.

That was my first clue.

The second was the sitting room. The couches were flipped. The cushions ripped. Fear sparked in my chest.

My soldiers stood around, avoiding my gaze.

“What the hell happened?” I snapped.

The mercenary with the scar stepped forward. He looked sheepish. “The girl, sir.”

“The girl?” I looked around. “Someone tell me what happened here.”

“The girl lost her mind. We couldn’t stop her. We were told not to touch her unless her life was in danger, but her life wasn’t in danger, and—”

“What. The fuck. Happened?” I snarled the words.

The man gestured toward the bedroom.

Robyn stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall, grinning at me. She wore a long, slinky dress, tight against her curves and cut low. She looked stunning, ravishing, incredible. I took a step closer, pulse quickening.

“You’re home already,” she said. “I hoped I’d have more time to surprise you.”

Then I understood.

And began to laugh.

Her face slowly fell. She pouted, arms crossed. God, what a woman. “You did this to piss me off.”

“I did it because you don’t get to cage me.”

“You ruined a hotel room for spite? What a silly, absurd thing to do.” I grinned and all the soldiers seemed to relax. I could only imagine what they were thinking.

She stormed toward me, rage incarnate. “I am not silly and I am not absurd.” She jabbed two fingers into my chest. What a woman. “You think you’re so clever? You think you’re so strong? You drag me to this place and expect me to behave? But guess what? I’m not following orders. I won’t be a good little girl, Calvin, you asshole.”

I grabbed her wrist. “I don’t want a good girl. I want a very, very bad one.” My eyes moved down her throat toward her breasts. “Why are you wearing that?”

“It’s the only halfway decent thing you packed.” She pulled her hand away and stepped back. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“I want to see what else is in that suitcase if this is what you picked.”

“I bet you’d like that.” She almost snarled at me. God, I was hard, my blood pulsing in my veins. “But I want you to understand something. You’re not coming near me. You’re not touching me. Forget about whatever sick fantasies you have in your head. It’s not happening.”

Tags: B.B. Hamel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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