Inseparable - Page 339

Yes, we bought her innocence at the auction together,

But one taste of her,

And I realize I’m not ready to share.

I know this is against our rules,

But who cares when rules involve a woman as gorgeous as Jenny.

Chapter 1: Jenny

I stand in front of the mirror and look at my own body critically, just like I always do. I have curves in all the right places and my long blonde hair looks wavy and sexy as it falls over my shoulders… I guess I’m quite attractive and men always say that my green eyes have a brilliant brightness which reminds them of emeralds. But if I’m really so attractive, then why am I still a virgin at twenty-two years of age?

I’ve just finished college and am still looking for a steady job. I’m not entirely certain what I want to do with my life yet and, seeing as I have some free time on my hands, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my best friend Stacy Donovan. We often hang out at some of the local nightclubs in Los Angeles, flirting with men and dancing until the early hours. We have long talks and I really enjoy the way we’re able to discuss absolutely anything; although we mostly end up talking about men and all the fantasies we have about them.

Even though I’m still in possession of my hymen, I’m not one of those girls who feverishly cling to their virginity by reason of some kind of oath or religious belief. I’ve simply not met the right man to sleep with yet, that’s it. Stacy says that I compare all the men I meet to my father and that they probably never measure up to his memory… that this is the real reason why I haven’t allowed anyone to do bedroom gymnastics with me yet. Perhaps she’s right; perhaps I do expect the man who’s lucky enough one day to share my bed to be at least comparable to the man my father was. Would that be so wrong? Is it my fault that the guys I meet all seem childish, one-dimensional and boring?

I take out my hairbrush and pass it through my golden locks thoughtfully. My mind starts drifting to the last conversation I’d had with Stacy two nights ago.

“So, I wanted to tell you about this virgin auction they’re having at a secret mansion outside LA on the weekend,” Stacy had said as we opened our third bottle of champagne for the evening.

“A virgin auction?! That sounds… delicious and kind of dangerous! Just exactly what kind of auction is this?” I remember asking.

Stacy continued to tell me all about an auction which is held every couple of months at an undisclosed location outside LA and how a girl who is still a virgin can take part in it. The men bid, so to speak, on the virginity of the girls and the winning bidder gets to have sex with the girl he’d placed the winning bid on… and the girl gets to keep whatever money he’s bid on her.

I can still remember how my heart started beating inside my chest when she told me all about it. I immediately thought that the idea sounded thrilling, but way too ‘out there’ for me to take ever take part in something like that. We started talking about something else and I wouldn’t have given the whole virgin auction thing a second thought, except for the fact that I happened to start wondering just what kind of money the guys normally bid on the girls at the auction.

“By the way, just how high do the bids normally go at one of these auctions?” I asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

“Oh, they normally go up to a couple of hundred thousand dollars,” Stacy sa

id nonchalantly and I thought, at first, that I’d heard her incorrectly.

“You must mean a couple of thousand dollars,” I tried to correct her. She looked at me with a grin and a seductive look and shook her head.

“No, I meant exactly what I said… a couple of hundred thousand dollars!” she laughed and that’s when the idea really started toying with my mind. I started thinking of all the things I could do with that kind of money. Perhaps I wouldn’t have to go and grovel before old men for a job any longer… Perhaps I could start my own business; perhaps even open that magazine I’ve always been dreaming off!

I look at myself again in the mirror and feel satisfied with the appearance of my hair. I pick up my blusher and apply generous amounts of it on my cheeks. Then I add some light blue eye shadow, mascara and then some eye liner to finish off the picture. I smile at myself and feel fairly satisfied with what I see. I’ll never be able to tell whether I’m really as gorgeous as most men say I am, but I do know that this look works for me and all that is left now is for me to choose an outfit for the evening.

But before I can walk over to my closet to start fumbling through my clothes, my eye catches a glimpse of a piece of pink rubber protruding from underneath the panties in my second drawer. Without thinking, I reach over and remove my favorite dildo from its hiding place… well not exactly hiding place, seeing as I keep it there for easy access more than anything else.

I think about it for a second and then realize that it might not be a bad idea to blow off some sexual steam before the evening’s entertainment. I lay back on my bed and slowly pull down my panties. I rub the dildo against my cheek a couple of times, just to get the feel for it. Then I press the switch and it starts vibrating pleasantly in my hand. Slowly, ever so slowly, I slide it down my stomach towards my nether regions which are already beginning to feel moist.

I start off by gently placing the vibrating rubber dildo on my clit and moving it around in small circles… Then, as my breath start panting and the stimulation starts to build up, I slide it down a little further into a position where it slightly parts my wet pussy lips. Like so often before, I’m tempted to thrust it all the way into my own warm depths, but I’m too afraid I might break my own virginity and I just start rubbing the throbbing instrument of pleasure in all directions until my entire body feels like it’s on fire.

“Oh yes… Oh yes!” I moan as the vibrations finally push me over the edge of the rainbow and my entire tire body shudders with an incredible orgasm. I lay there in the aftermath for a moment and almost feel like I could do another round… But then my cell phone starts ringing and I quickly pick up when I see that it’s Stacy.

“Jenny Williams! I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour and if you don’t come over right now we are going to be late!” she exclaims from the other end of the connection.

“Okay, I’ll be over in half an hour… I just showered for a bit longer than I was planning to,” I lie, “but all I have to do now is pick out a suitable outfit and then I’ll catch a taxi cab over to your place right away.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting here for you… but don’t worry too much about picking the right outfit. You’ll have to go up on stage naked at the virgin auction when it’s your turn to be auctioned off!” she says and my heart starts beating wildly inside my rib cage when I realize that I’m really going to do this.

I’m on my way to go and stand naked in front of a group of absolute strangers and auction off my virginity to a group of strange men, one of whom I’ll be having sex with at the end of this very evening.

“Well, it’s not as if any of them is worthy of taking my virginity for free, so they might as well pay me a good money for it,” I think to myself as I slip into my favorite pair of jeans and a comfortable T-shirt. I finish off my preparations by slipping my feet into a pair of silver sandals and then I hurriedly exit my apartment and hail a taxi cab to my best friend’s apartment, from where we shall be leaving together for the secret mansion outside LA and for what promises to be the most exciting evening of my short life thus far.

Chapter 2: Brad

Tags: Mia Ford Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024