Bombshell for the Boss - Page 67

She yanked her hand away and turned with an effort. “Please, have a seat,” she said, or hoped she said. Her pulse raced and there was a roaring in her ears. What had caused the intense response to him? She didn’t react to men in this manner and she didn’t know him at all. Besides, he was a Ralston. A Ralston should have been the last person on earth who could elicit a steamy response by a mere handshake.

Trying to regain her composure, she motioned with her hand for him to sit in one of the two leather chairs in front of her desk. She took the one opposite him. Never before had the chairs seemed particularly close, but now she felt she had made a tactical mistake and she should have put her desk between them. She wouldn’t even have kept this appointment if she had known she would have this kind of reaction to him. He was handsome, but this startling physical response went way beyond attraction. There was a chemistry that made her feel as if sparks were flying around them.

He tossed his black hat on another chair, revealing thick, slightly wavy black hair, and crossed his long legs. She recognized his black boots as elegant hand-tooled, fine leather dress boots, not work boots. In fact, she noticed everything about him.

She didn’t want this kind of reaction to a Ralston. She felt an urgent need to find out what he wanted and get him out of her office.

“Thanks for accepting this appointment. Unless things changed drastically while I was away in the army, you and I are breaking more than a century of silence between our two families. Except for unfriendly communications,” he said, looking slightly amused. His dark eyes seemed to hold a degree of curiosity, as if he were eager to notice her as well, although she couldn’t imagine that she would stir such a reaction in him as he had in her.

She decided to cut to the chase. “I can’t guess any reason why Thane Warner would write to me.”

“I won’t keep you in suspense. He wanted me to do some things for him that he wasn’t going to get to come home and do himself. Important things to him. Thane wanted to get rid of his grandfather’s ranch, which he had inherited. Thane said there are valuable things in the house, and he told me that you, Emily, would know the appraised value and where to get rid of what I don’t want. He told me about your store, Antiques, Art and Appraisals. I noticed some interesting items as I walked through.”

“I’ve grown up around antiques and being in this business, I have a chance to buy and sell them.”

“Thane was badly wounded and we were under fire,” Jake said, his voice changing, sounding harsher. “You don’t say no to a dying buddy’s request. And he was a friend of mine all my life. Without hesitation, I promised I’d do whatever he asked. He actually made three requests and he did ask the impossible. I’ll just do the best I can.”

She listened to Jake talk and knew he was hurting over the loss of his friend. And she could understand why he couldn’t have said no to whatever Thane had requested. She took another deep breath because she had a feeling something was coming that she would want to say no to and Jake Ralston had promised Thane he would get her to agree to do it. She hadn’t promised Thane anything, but Jake had already set her up for a guilty conscience if she declined. She wished she could end this appointment without hearing what Jake wanted.

“Thane wanted me to hire you, so I’m offering you a job.”

How could she possibly agree to that? She was a Kincaid. She couldn’t work for a Ralston. That would stir all kinds of trouble with her family, especially her brothers. She didn’t mind talking to Jake in her shop, but working closely with him, going through belongings out on a ranch, was a far more personal involvement with a Ralston.

“Jake, let me stop you right there. I have to say no. Our families are too divided. Feelings are bitter and run high. I can give you names of some really good appraisers who are trustworthy people with lots of experience in this business.”

He put both feet on the floor, his elbows on his knees, and leaned forward while she talked until he was almost touching her. She looked into his intent dark eyes that made her heart beat faster.

“Emily,” he said in a deep voice that had her attention riveted, “Thane made a supreme effort to stay alive long enough to tell me what he wanted me to do. The medics were astounded he lasted as long as he did. This project was vital to him and he died with my word that I would hire you. I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen. If the only thing standing in the way is an old family feud that you and I are not very involved in, we can manage. I’m not asking you to become my friend, just my employee.”

Tags: Maureen Child Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024