Falling for the Killer - Page 59

“My dad’s going to die,” Dean said. “Not in the far off future, but soon, in the next few days. When he does, I’m taking over the family.”

Gian leaned back in his chair and stared with a shocked expression.

I didn’t know why it surprised him. The Don had been in bad shape for a while and everyone knew he was going to pass sooner rather than later. Even still, the Don did have a sort of mystique about him, like the old man would never move on to the next life at all, but linger here like a ghoul, running the show with his ghastly hands.

“That’s terrible,” Gian said. “And it’s good for you. Fuck, Dean. I’m sorry.”

Dean nodded slowly. “I’m conflicted too, but I want you to be ready when my dad passes.”

“Ready for what?” Gian asked.

Dean pushed his chair back and stood, looking over at Danny with a sad smile. “I’m going to need support from the Capos when I take over,” he said. “I hope I can count on you.”

“You can,” Gian said.

“Good. When I take over, I’m doubling the war effort against the Healy family. We’ve been bleeding for too long with this bullshit half-assed skirmish my father’s been waging. I’m going all in and ending it.”

Gian sucked in a breath and I felt sweat break out on my arms. But Gian nodded and stood, and held out a hand to Dean.

“I’ve got your back,” he said.

Dean shook it. “Thanks, brother.” He forced a sad smile. “Wish it weren’t coming to this, but it had to sooner or later.” Dean nodded and walked back inside with Gian close behind.

I watched Danny play. The war would heat up soon and start to boil over. I didn’t know what that meant for my idyllic life—but I knew that no matter what happened, Gian would keep us safe.

He returned and crouched next to me. “I love you,” he whispered, and kissed me softly.

“I love you too,” I said. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Changes are coming. But sometimes, change is good.”

“Yeah?” I smiled a little.

He slipped something from his pocket and clenched it in his hand. He opened it, palm up, and an engagement ring sat glittering in the early evening light. I sucked in a breath, shocked, and let him slide it onto my finger.

“Marry me,” he said.

“Of course.” I kissed him and held him there for a long while, not speaking, not doing anything but feeling him breathe, his lips against mine.

I had my man, my baby, and soon I’d have a husband. The war was coming, darker and more devastating than before—

But I’d be safe in my own little world, protected by Gian. He’d keep the Healys from me, keep them from spilling over into our home.

Nothing would ever be the same. I’d take his name and become his mafia wife, and together we’d survive this.

And hopefully soon, I’d give him another baby.

It was all I could ever ask for.

Tags: B.B. Hamel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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