Scandals Bride (Cynster 3) - Page 105

"Well, quite obviously he's wrong-but why would he think such a thing?"

Catriona grimaced. "Possibly because I drugged him once before."

"You did?" Honoria regarded her with more interest than puzzlement. "Why? And how?"

Catriona colored. She tried to hedge, prevaricate, avoid the questions, but, she discovered, Her Grace of St. Ives could be ruthless. Honoria dragged the answers from her-then slumped back in her chair and regarded her with awe. "You're very brave," she eventually stated. "I don't know of many women who would be game to feed an aphrodisiac to a Cynster-and then climb into bed with him."

Catriona raised her brows in resignation. "Blame it on total innocence."

Honoria's lips had yet to return to straight; she shot her a measuring, not-at-all-discouraging, look. "You know, that's really a very good story, but one I fear we'll have to keep within the family-the female part of it, that is."

Having by now realized that Her Grace of St. Ives, having been married to His Grace for more than a year, was unshockable, Catriona accepted the comment with an equanimity that, half an hour before, would have astounded her.

"However, to return to your fears over what Richard might think once he wakes, I really do think that you're underestimating him." Head on one side, Honoria stared past her, clearly considering. "He's not usually thickheaded. And he's certainly not blind-none of them are, although you'll find they sometimes try to pretend they are." She looked directly at Catriona. "Do you have any reason to think he believes you were involved, or is it-forgive me-merely a worry on your part?"

Catriona sighed. "I don't think so." Briefly, she described Richard's actions before he lost consciousness.

"Hmm." Honoria wrinkled her nose. "You could be wrong-it's perfectly possible he had some other, male-Cynster-type reason for sending so emphatically for Devil. And for staring at you in that way. However," she stated, setting her hands on her knees, "that's neither here nor there. If he wakes with such a stupid idea in his head, you may be sure I'll set him right without delay."

Honoria stood and shook out her skirts; rather more wearily, Catriona rose, too. "He might not listen."

"He'll listen to me." Honoria met her eye and grinned. "They all do, you know. It's one of the benefits of being married to Devil. As he's the head of the family, there's always the possibility that I might have the last word."

Despite herself, for the second time that day, Catriona felt her lips twitch. Honoria saw, and smiled. "And now, if you'll do me the honor of listening to me as well, I really think you should rest. Devil and Worboys and I will watch over Richard-you need to gather your strength in case he needs your healer's skills."

Catriona looked into Honoria's eyes and knew she was right. She drew in a deep breath and felt like she was breathing freely for the first time since Richard had collapsed. Putting out a hand to Honoria's, she squeezed gently, blinked quickly, then nodded. "All right."

Smiling, Honoria kissed her cheek. "We'll call you if he needs you."

Catriona slept deeply into the afternoon; she awoke, still worried, but even more determined to haul her weakened spouse back to this world-and his rightful place at her side.

"He's been unconscious for too long," she declared, pacing once more by his bedside, her gaze on his sleeping face. "We need to do something to rouse him."

"What?" was Devil's only question.

She was about to admit that she didn't know, when a flicker of an eyelid stopped her. She stared at Richard's face, then rushed to the bed. "Richard?"

Another definite flicker-he was trying to respond, but couldn't lift his lids.

Devil, close beside her, placed a hand on her arm when she would have spoken again. "Richard," he said, his tone a warning, "Maman's coming!"

Richard's reaction was clearly visible. He tried desperately to open his eyes, but couldn't. A frown creased his brow, then slowly eased as he drifted back into unconsciousness.

"We can walk him!" Fired anew, Catriona dragged back the covers. "If he can respond, then forcing him to use his muscles will help work the poison from his system."

Devil helped her haul Richard to his feet, but Richard was still too incapable to support his own weight; while Devil could hold him upright, he couldn't make him walk. When Catriona tried to slide under Richard's other arm and help, Devil pulled a lock of her hair "No!" He frowned at her "Get Henderson."

There was enough implacability in his face to make her heave an exasperated sigh and run from the room.

Henderson came quickly. With him under one of Richard's arms and Devil under the other, they started walking Richard up and down the room. At first, it was no more than a dragging stagger, as one foot dragged, then fell in front of the other. They walked him for ten minutes, then rested, then tried again. And won a fraction more response from Richard. Heartened, they kept up the treatment, walking, resting, then walking again.

Noticing a flicker of Richard's lashes when she spoke to Henderson, Catriona spoke directly to Richard, exhorting him to greater efforts. But, after a time, he only shook his head irritatedly and became even less cooperative.

"Enough." Devil steered their burden to the bed. "Let's have dinner, then we'll try again."

They did, with greater response but even less cooperation. Richard wanted to be left in peace. He didn't say so, but his meaning was quite clear; he became increasingly difficult to manage, swearing in inventive mumbles at his tormentors.

But he walked-back and forth with increasing control over his limbs. When, all but exhausted himself, Devil called a halt and let Richard fall back across the bed, he had regained enough muscle control to grope blindly back onto the pillows and snuggle down.

Tags: Stephanie Laurens Cynster Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024